Los 41
SICILY. Syracuse. Second Democracy, 466-405 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 23 mm, 17.32 g, 12 h), circa 450. Charioteer driving quadriga walking to right, holding reins with both hands; above, Nike flying right to crown the horses; in exergue, ketos to right. Rev. ΣΥΡΑΚΟ-ΣΙ-Ο-Ν Head of Arethousa to right, wearing broad headband fastened above her ear, circular earring and pearl necklace, with her hair bound up behind her head under the headband and curling up behind; around, four dolphins swimming right. Basel 439 (same dies). Boehringer 533 (V273/R374). Boston MFA 372 (same dies). P. Reichert-Südbeck: Kulte von Korinth und Syrakus. Dettelbach 2000 (this coin illustrated on the front and back cover). SNG ANS 171 (same dies). SNG Lockett 936 (same dies). Beautifully toned and with a wonderful and unusual head of Arethousa. The obverse struck from a somewhat worn die and with a flan fault and some corrosion, otherwise, good very fine.

From the collection of Prof. Dr. D. Mannsperger, formed over the past 60 years.
2000 CHF
1600 CHF
2800 CHF
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